Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

III to Congress: Impeachment

Folks, brush up on your Impeachment thoughts.  In the next few days I'd like to throw out some hardcore thoughts on the topic for consideration.

Remember: Our enemies have no room to attack us as radicals if we stay in the footsteps of our Founders and Framers.  They'll try, but we have the moral high ground, and history on our side.

I will be walking a copy of our book to every Member of Congress, and with your help I want to rattle the foundations of Washington.  I want them to understand that we are the posterity of our Founders and Framers, and we will have Liberty...by any means necessary.

The III and the broader Hard Right will be heard through our book.

You will be heard.  Other than our blogs, I do not see our views represented anywhere. 

That's about to change.


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