Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bloomberg Guilty of Federal Crime for Arizona

I decided to build a page at Kerodin.com about the topic.  It is brief, here.

Arctic Patriot gets the credit for finding the Statute, and a sharp Patriot who reads at Kerodin.com gets credit for pointing out the link between Bloomberg/Arizona and the law.  (I won't mention the Patriot's name, he hasn't authorized it.)

I submitted the info to InfoWars, Governor Brewer, Sheriff Arpaio, and Drudge.

Wouldn't it be interesting if one of them picked it up...


1 comment:

  1. New York's in bad enough shape fiscally without paying to fly its people halfway around the country to gripe about other people being free.

    Hey Bloomberg, guess what? People sell guns all the time without background checks. Knives, spoons, and cars, too. It's called commerce, and I think you and other anti-liberty types are asses and tyrants for requiring background checks in the first place.




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